Congenital Defects

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Congenital Defects – What are they and will my international maternity insurance cover them?

In simple terms, congenital birth defects are problems that a baby is born with. They can be covered by an international maternity insurance plan but may be subject to a waiting period.

The estimated incidences for the leading categories of birth defects are provided below, but not all will be covered by all international maternity insurance plans.

Birth defects are grouped into three major categories:

  • structural/metabolic
  • congenital infections; and
  • other conditions.

Birth defects of the heart and circulatory system affect more infants than any other type of birth defect. Of all infants born each year, approximately 1 in 115 has heart and/or circulatory defects. It is therefore vitally important to know what is and what isn’t covered by your international maternity insurance.

Contact us for a detailed quote and advice on what type of international maternity insurance covers these conditions.