Chronic and Acute – Health Care Health Insurance

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Chronic and Acute Conditions are treated differently in both insurance and medicine.

Chronic conditions are defined as “a disease, illness or injury that has no known cure and/or is likely to continue.” Good examples of chronic conditions include asthma, diabetes and heart conditions. Chronic Conditions are very important in medical insurance since once you have been diagnosed with a Chronic Conditions you are likely to need treatment for the rest of your life. It is therefore important to make sure you have medical insurance before you become ill.

Not all medical plans cover Chronic Conditions in full so it is important to check the details. Some plans will limit the cover to the ‘Acute Phases’ of the condition while excluding the palliative treatment. Other plans may place an annual or lifetime limit on the cover, but may cover both chronic and acute phases. If your expat health care health insurance plan covers Chronic Conditions in full it is likely to be more expensive.

Treatment for chronic conditions is often continuous and can be extremely expensive. Given that both chronic and acute conditions are more likely to develop as one gets older, expat health care health insurance plan that covers chronic conditions may be an option worth considering for older clients.

Our consultants can advise you on insurers that provide full cover, limited cover or completely exclude chronic conditions. Please contact an advisor and they will be happy to provide you with a range of quotes for your expat health care health insurance plan.